Thursday, May 27, 2010

Dili Institute of Technology website

A good website with available publications for download, a lot of usefull information on Tetun, and Tetun language courses for foreigners, in Dili. The link will be available also at the left section of this blog Important Papers and Related Resources.  

Dili Institute of Technology is headed up by Catharina Willians-van Klinken, who has a list of several linguistic papers on Tetun-Praça and Tetun-Fehan varieties, several of them are available, as mentioned above, at the website section called Publications. There can be found didactic books as vocabularies, language manuals and course book, and linguistics articles related to Tetun registers, among others.

So, I invited everyone to check it out this website and see the good things for yourselves!!! 

P.S. Latelly, my posts are a little slow and I won't updated too much things! But I promise everyone that soon I will come back with more posts and with good stuffs as well!!!